Day 49-52: Palm Springs and Joshua Tree
As we left LA and headed back into the desert for our final national park of this trip, I began to feel a mix of sentimental, grateful, and surprise. Three years ago, when I concocted this insane plan to quit working and drive around in a motorhome, Danielle rolled her eyes and I didn’t actually believe that we would leave our apartment… and do it with a 18 month old. Now, driving to Joshua Tree listening to Zack Brown Band, I just can’t believe that this came together.
We arrived in Palm Springs just before sunset and immediately hit the town. It was Sunday night, so all of the 50 year old birthday parties and second marriage bachelorette parties have gone home. To Danielle’s dismay, the place with the best live music and the most people was Las Casuelas Terraza… so tonight is Mexican night! The next day we took the Palm Spring Aerial Tram to the top of Mt. San Jacinto for some light hiking. That night we had our first injury of the trip. As I was connecting the golf balls Bryce had strewn about the course, I notice him start running toward the street at full speed. Running across the mini golf course in the dark was not good for my right ankle. The urgent care doctor told me that I had grade 2 sprain and I should avoid hiking… like that’s going to happen…

With Danielle now carrying Bryce through Joshua Tree, we did the Barker Dam Trail, Skull Rock Trail, Arch Rock Trail, Hidden Valley Trail, and Wall Street Mill Trail. All relatively flat trails that weave through the remarkable landscape of cactuses, Joshua Trees and rock formations. After a night of poring rain, we packed up and headed to San Diego to visit the Johnsons.

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