About halfway between Petrified Forest National Park and the Grand Canyon is the not at all touristy town of Sedona. We thought it would be a great visit to break up the trip and give Bryce some time to run around outside and maybe sitdown at a restaurant… that was not meant to be. There was major construction on mountainous route 89A… This cost us about an hour and we needed to sprint through Red Rock State Park to see some pretty cool views as sunset approaches.

For those of you that aren’t fluent in RV’er speak like us Davis’s, bookdocking is camping without any hookups. Since there were no campsites anywhere near the Grand Canyon, I found a state land road that allowed overnight camping. Despite Danielle’s fear that a crazy person would be waiting in the middle of a state forest, in 35 degree weather, and break into our rented RV to murder us… we survived.
Side note… if the road looks like this on google maps, it might not be a good road for RVs.

If you can check out the North Rim, I hear we may see you in Colorado. Rochelle. Hello from all the Odesser’s