Each week of the journey seems to have a focus; either intensely hiking through national parks or spending time with close friends and family. In week 5, we enjoyed time with some amazing people who I wish we could see more often.
The first day, we spent the day walking on the UC Berkley campus and visiting the Stepman/Freund clan. Good friends, wine, beer, and Burmese food really hit the spot.

The next 48 hours, we vacated the RV and took up residence with Nonna in an Outer Sunset AirBnB for some more quality family time. I don’t know who was more excited: Bryce to hang with Nonna, Isa for seeing Bryce, or Danielle and I to get a break from the unrelenting energy of the little man. We hung with Uncle Dan in Golden Gate Park, explored the San Francisco zoo and ate far too much. The days go by fast on this trip and in a blink, we were dropping Isa of at the airport and headed to San Jose. In San Jose

Danielle got to spend some time with her good college friend Mary while Bryce ran around like a maniac with Violet and Charlie, with baby Jack (he didn’t do much running). It’s really great to see Bryce having so much fun with other kids- but added benefit that he is so entertained it’s a nice break for us!