Just south of Kings Canyon is Sequoia National Park, home of the largest Sequoia grove in the world and home to the General Sherman Tree, the largest tree on Earth. For those who are curious about the difference between a Sequoia and a Redwood… the Internet has the answer (https://homeguides.sfgate.com/difference-between-sequoia-sempervirens-sequoia-giganteum-90373.html)
Our hike through these beautiful giants was the Giant Forest Loop Trail, an 8-9 mile journey that connected many of the trails and large trees in the area. This was the first time Danielle and I struggled to stay on the path given so may unmarked forks and zero cell service. The visitor’s center warned us about this and recommended carrying paper maps, but with few landmarks beside large trees, I am not sure that would have helped. Either way, the hike was beautiful and walking amongst 20’+ diameter trees is an amazing experience.

There are two exits to Sequoia National Park; the entrance in which we entered near Kings Canyon and the southern, more convenient exit. Unfortunately, the bottom of General Grants highway is “not recommended” for vehicles greater than 22ft (the RV is 30ft) and looks like below… we took the longer route.

Also, Danielle drove some of the way, and again, we survived.
For those keeping track, THAT WAS PARK #20!