We got to the park early to make sure we got into the RV lot. Day 7 started with with a short run along the Parus Trail and a leisurely breakfast. Then it was time for the main event… the Narrows, a hike up the Virgin River with sheer walls on each side.
Flashback to 6pm on Day 6: After my slight over estimation in the Petrified Forest, Danielle recommended we ask the Park Ranger Desk if it was safe to bring the little man in a carrier into the Narrow. Without hesitation, the Ranger said, “That’s definitely not a good idea… its like walking on bowling balls for miles.” Deflated, I brought this new information to Danielle, who reluctantly agreed to seek the opinions people coming off the trail that day. Universally, the hikers said it shouldn’t be a problem, just dress him warm and bring cloths incase he gets wet. The final push was the guy working at the Zion Outdoor Adventure shop. With Tantoos all over, he dispensed convincing advice that led to us renting all kinds of waterproof safety gear…
Back to day 7: The Narrows was absolutely amazing. It was completely safe and a lot of fun. There was so much to look at that Bryce was in the carrier for close to 5 hours (with a 30 min beach break) and didn’t get upset. In some spots you were wading up to your waist in water. A must do in Zion.